
hello laila fe balinggan

I’m Laila, your friendly neighborhood solopreneur, and a growth marketer. I started this blog to document this wild ride as I chase my dreams, create thriving multiple revenue streams, and unlock the door to a life of freedom, adventure, and early retirement.

My mission is to build a community where solopreneurship feels far from being S-O-L-O. That means no more having to get through IT alone.

Also, if you aren't a solopreneur or a growth marketer but still find the resources on this site helpful, that's great!

This space is for anyone who finds it useful.

Let’s Connect

26 Things To Do Before 26 – A Bucketlist For Early Twenties

26 Things To Do Before 26 – A Bucketlist For Early Twenties

So, guess what? I just celebrated my 25th birthday about a month ago (in July). And that means I've got a whole year until I hit 26, so I just had to come up with an awesome list of 26 things I want to do before that big day rolls around again. Seriously, my plans are...

How to Start Investing in Finnish Stocks: A Guide for Beginners

How to Start Investing in Finnish Stocks: A Guide for Beginners

Everyone dreams of achieving financial independence, and for me, that dream recently took a significant step forward. I’ve finally invested in stocks! And Finnish Stocks at that. 🚀✨ After years of saving and learning about the stock market, I finally bought my first...



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